Many sincerely believe in Traditional Islam. However, that choice, sincere as it may be, has unintended impact on the Big Five problems, as this graphic illustrates. This is due to a cult of certainty, that rests upon a dictionary problem, and the problem of historical truth. These combust into the three Tragic Errors and six Inconvenient Implications, as we discuss next.

The Solution

To preview the solution that we present later, after deeply examining the complexity problem, BioIslam relies on five simple axioms and the five Inside Pillars.

The five simple axioms are:

  1. Afterlife
  2. Pluralism
  3. Pristineness
  4. Prophetic hope
  5. No Utopia

The five Inside Pillars are:

  1. Intentions
  2. Compassion
  3. Justice
  4. Harmony
  5. Potentiality